a woman rubbing her neck in pain.



Puget Sound Orthopaedics (PSO) neck experts offer diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of cervical spine conditions. Surgical and nonsurgical options are available for treating painful neck injuries that can be caused by aging, trauma or structural irregularities. PSO spine surgeons offer procedures that restore the support and flexibility of the cervical spine that can help patients return to an active lifestyle.

The human neck (cervical spine) is the foundation that holds up the head, which on average weighs 8-11 pounds. The neck is made up of seven (7) vertebrae beginning at the base of the skull and ending at the upper chest. Disks in between each vertebra are connected to ligaments and muscles which – all together – support the spine and allow for flexibility and a range of neck movements. The spinal cord is housed in the canal created by the vertebrae.

Neck Treatment Physicians

Injuries to the Neck

The neck is vulnerable to injury and other disorders because it is less protected than the rest of the spine. Minor injuries to the cervical spine and spinal cord can produce pain and restrict motion. More significant injuries can be extremely serious and possibly lead to a patient becoming paralyzed.

Typical injuries to the neck include: arthritis; bone spurs; damage to the nerves, ligaments and muscles; and traumatic events such as car accidents, sports injuries or a fall. 

When to See a Specialist

Seek immediate medical care if either of these scenarios apply:

  • Severe neck pain occurs following an injury
  • An injury causes pain in the neck that radiates down the arms and/or legs

It may be time to seek medical treatment from a neck specialist if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Continuous, persistent and/or severe neck pain
  • Neck pain accompanied by occasional or persistent radiating pain running down the arms and legs
  • Neck pain accompanied by headaches, numbness, tingling or weakness 

Treatment Options

Your doctor will discuss all treatment options with you. The best treatment for your injury or condition will be determined in combination with your overall health.

There are several nonoperative treatment options for neck pain. These might include physical therapy, epidural cortisone injections, ice, heat, massage, pain medication, or anti-inflammatories. If surgery is necessary, PSO neck specialists can perform a wide variety of procedures ranging from minimally invasive to major reconstruction. 

Common Conditions

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