To provide leading edge, world-class, regional orthopedic care with compassion, caring, and five-star customer service.
Core Belief
Our patients define our existence, and are at the center of our work. We are dedicated to improving their lives by providing orthopedic care. We will use “best practice” techniques in science and business to achieve this. We will treat the patient as a whole, at times involving other disciplines to facilitate healing and promote wellness.
To improve the musculoskeletal health of our patients by applying appropriate treatment protocols, providing timely and cost-effective care, and to further the field of orthopedics through research and education for ourselves, and our patients.
Core Values
We commit to honest, open communication, no matter the circumstance. We approach all situations with integrity and courage. We are transparent and truthful with our intentions and actions.
We actively listen to develop insight into what others are feeling to find common ground. We respond with grace and compassion in all that we do.
We take responsibility for our actions, opinions, and beliefs. Our behavior supports the safety and well-being of others.
We honor dignity, diversity, and individuality. We cultivate an inclusive community in which differences are valued and celebrated.
We collaborate using our individual talents to create a culture of service. We act with humility and selflessness in our pursuit for collective accomplishment.
Employee Core Values Video
Puget Sound Orthopaedics’ Core Values were developed from a survey sent to all staff about what was the most important to them in their work environment. The core value words come directly from our staff and represent those values that were most repeated. As the leadership team worked to cull through the survey results, Leslie Faelnar pointed out that the first letter of the most repeated words spelled out HEART. And the HEART of PSO was born. The letters of HEART stand for Honesty, Empathy, Accountability, Respect, and Teamwork.
Working in the Surgery Center
The staff members who work at the Puget Sound Surgery Center go above and beyond to make the facility a safe, organized and welcoming place for our patients to receive orthopedic care. Since its’ establishment in 2004, the Puget Sound Surgery Center has been fortunate in recruiting highly motivated and skilled individuals who are dedicated to patient care. Our employees have an excellent ability to come together as a team to successfully accomplish the tasks required to run four operating rooms and a post anesthesia care unit (PACU). We appreciate the Puget Sound Surgery Center staff!